Lax Energy Solution

What are HT cable types?

H-type cables do not have belt insulation. The screening of individual cores remains thin and flexible to prevent much power dissipation. The screens are thin so that there is hardly any current induced. The advantage of H cable is that separation of cores by mechanical displacement will not stress the dielectric. 
This article discusses High-tension cables (HT cables) in detail. Keep reading! 

What is a power cable? And its types.

A power cable is an electric cable – The assembly of one or more electrical conductors that are usually held together with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for the transmission of electrical power. 

Types of the power cable

The cable type is usually decided based on the voltage for which it is manufactured and the material used for insulation, such as paper, cotton, rubber, etc.  Power cables can be classified into the following according to the voltage levels:

1.) Low-tension cables (LT cables)

Low-tension cables are used for voltage levels up to 1 kV. 

2.) High-tension cables (HT cables) 

HT cables are used for voltage levels up to 11 kV 

What is a high-tension cable?

High-tension cable is specifically designed to transmit high-voltage power, posing special safety risks because of the energy involved.  The range of the operating high-tension cables is up to 11000 V, and extra high-tension cables are from 33 kV to 66 kV. 

Is HT cable safe?

According to the research, your health is not at risk from the fields produced if you live near high-tension power lines. While medical researchers do not consider electric and magnetic fields emanating from high-tension cables dangerous, direct contact is unsafe and can cause shocks.  The minimum safe distance from high-tension cables varies. However, if your concern is health, one should avoid placing themselves or any object 14 feet above the ground near power lines. 

Bottom line

HT cables are not bad for your health; if they are to be buried, they will be armoured with steel wire and tap. The range of the operating cable is from 33 kV to 66 kV.  You can visit us at Laxmi Associates for HT cables or electrical cables.