Transformers, like any other electrical equipment, require regular maintenance as well. With proper care, a transformer can function smoothly, increasing your productive workflow and ensuring a longer equipment life. We understand that putting a regular transformer check on your schedule might be hectic, with many different parts and components requiring individual care and attention almost daily, some even hourly. Hence, we have come up with the most comprehensive checklist for the maintenance of electrical transformers. Read on to learn more about the essentials to keep your transformer healthy in this article.
You must get the transformer checked in detail, on a yearly basis. Some of the parts you need to check may include oil pumps, air fans, control circuits, and other components that work together for the function of the cooling system. With the cooling system checked, you can get an overview of the physical condition of your transformer.
The bushing must be cleaned with soft cotton cloths and checked for cracks. Though it is recommended to have a half-yearly check for the oil condition of your transformer, a yearly oil test is mandatory for your transformer. You must also get a mechanical inspection done as a transformer works under heavy current pressures, which makes it prone to damaged parts.
Apart from this, you must get the marshalling boxes cleaned and checked along with other functions like illumination, space heaters, terminal connections, relays, alarms, control switches, etc. Other important aspects to check for may include insulation resistance, battery power, and DGA (Dissolve Gas Analysis).
The ultimate checklist for your monthly electrical transformer maintenance would include the following: